How to Stop Mac from Unzipping Downloads Automatically?

Stop Unzipping

Do you ever stop your Mac from unzipping downloads and find it annoying when it automatically unzips files after downloading them? While this default behavior is intended to make accessing downloads quicker and more convenient, there are times when you may want to turn off auto-unzipping.

How to Clean Apple Watch Bands?

How to Clean Apple Watch Bands

Keeping your Apple Watch bands clean is extremely important to prevent the buildup of bacteria, grime, and even strange odors over time. The wrist is a warm area of the body, and our bands constantly come into contact with skin, accumulating sweat, lotions, and general dirt from daily wear. Different materials like silicone, leather, nylon, and metal require different cleaning methods to lift stains and disinfect properly. This guide will teach you how to clean various Apple Watch band types.

How to Clean Leather Apple Watch Band?

How to Clean Leather Apple Watch Band

Keeping your leather Apple Watch band clean is important for maintaining its appearance and longevity. Regular cleaning removes dirt, oil, and sweat that can stain the leather or cause unpleasant odors. Establishing a routine leather band care regimen also allows you to inspect the band for any signs of wear

How to Add Photos to Apple Watch?

How to Add Photos to Apple Watch

Personalizing your Apple Watch with photos is a great way to make it feel unique. Whether you want to set a particular photo as your watch face or access some favorite images on the go, it’s easy to sync photos from your iPhone to your Apple Watch. In this guide,